Truce in Donbass - «Военное обозрение» » Новости - Мира
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  • «Новости - Мира»
    Truce in Donbass - «Военное обозрение»
    24-08-2020, 04:23

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    «The additional measures, made to ensure the ceasefire and to control the observance of the ceasefire, make it possible to note the crimes, committed by the Ukrainian troops» — the representative of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the LPR, Kirill Belov, told to the reporters during a visit to the front-line village of Golubovskoye. During the visit to the village — the representatives of the department recorded the consequences of the shelling that took place in early July, after which the residential building and the outbuildings at the 72 Artem Street were destroyed. Kirill Belov specified that it was impossible to inspect the crime scene before the additional measures came into force due to the tense situation in the area.


    «The representatives of the People’s Militia of the LPR recorded 3 explosions at the positions of the Ukrainian military near the town of Luganskoe» — said Ivan Filiponenko, a spokesman for the People’s Militia of the LPR, during a briefing. He noted that the Ukrainian troops set the dry grass on fire with their actions. The result was a detonation of the ammunition at the positions of the 1st company of the 1st battalion of the 24th brigade. Ivan Filiponenko added that the troops of the People’s Militia of the LPR strictly followed the terms of the current truce, and they did not open fire.


    «The additional measures, taken to enhance and control the ceasefire, are bringing positive results. The violations of the ceasefire in Donbass became smaller in numbers» — said the plenipotentiary representative of the DPR at the negotiations of the Contact Group, the Foreign Minister of the DPR, Natalya Nikonorova. Additional measures were agreed upon by the Contact Group on 22nd of July. The goal of the measures is to achieve a sustainable ceasefire until a complete and comprehensive settlement of the conflict. It has been formally operating in the region for a year, starting from 21st of July, 2019. There were more than 20 attempts to put an end to the civil conflict in the region so far. However, the shelling never stopped. Over the past 6 years, almost 5,000 people died in the DPR.


    Aleksey Nikonorov, the representative of the DPR in the subgroup on the security matters, sent an updated version of the project on the mine clearing activities to the OSCE coordinator — the representation of the DPR in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire announced after the negotiations. During the video-conference, the parties discussed the controversial issues on the mine-clearing project. The most difficult part of the talks was the Ukrainian refusal to include 5 areas, proposed by the LPR, to the list.


    «The equipping of the new checkpoints in Donbass is going according to the plan» — Roman Ivanov, an officer of the LPR representative office in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire, announced to the journalists at the checkpoint ‘Lugansk-Schastye’. He specified that the shells, found during the engineering reconnaissance, were destroyed on the spot. “The work on the infrastructure of the checkpoints is being carried out in accordance with the established plan at both sections »Lugansk-Schastye» and »Pervomaisk-Zolotoe” — the representative of the LPR in the Center specified.


    «2 T-64 tanks, upgraded at the Kharkiv Design Bureau, were delivered to the city of Mariupol for testing in combat conditions» — the DPR People’s militia department reported. “Currently the tanks are being hidden in the industrial zone near the railway station ‘Mariupol — Sorting’. In the future, the tanks will be moved to the hangars on the western outskirts of the village of Sartana” — the message specified. According to the military intelligence of the DPR, the tanks were transferred to Donbass in order to run tests of the modernized weaponry and guidance devices in combat conditions. Previous tests were carried out at the Chuguev military range, in the Kharkov region. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

    1 «The additional measures, made to ensure the ceasefire and to control the observance of the ceasefire, make it possible to note the crimes, committed by the Ukrainian troops» — the representative of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the LPR, Kirill Belov, told to the reporters during a visit to the front-line village of Golubovskoye. During the visit to the village — the representatives of the department recorded the consequences of the shelling that took place in early July, after which the residential building and the outbuildings at the 72 Artem Street were destroyed. Kirill Belov specified that it was impossible to inspect the crime scene before the additional measures came into force due to the tense situation in the area. 2 «The representatives of the People’s Militia of the LPR recorded 3 explosions at the positions of the Ukrainian military near the town of Luganskoe» — said Ivan Filiponenko, a spokesman for the People’s Militia of the LPR, during a briefing. He noted that the Ukrainian troops set the dry grass on fire with their actions. The result was a detonation of the ammunition at the positions of the 1st company of the 1st battalion of the 24th brigade. Ivan Filiponenko added that the troops of the People’s Militia of the LPR strictly followed the terms of the current truce, and they did not open fire. 3 «The additional measures, taken to enhance and control the ceasefire, are bringing positive results. The violations of the ceasefire in Donbass became smaller in numbers» — said the plenipotentiary representative of the DPR at the negotiations of the Contact Group, the Foreign Minister of the DPR, Natalya Nikonorova. Additional measures were agreed upon by the Contact Group on 22nd of July. The goal of the measures is to achieve a sustainable ceasefire until a complete and comprehensive settlement of the conflict. It has been formally operating in the region for a year, starting from 21st of July, 2019. There were more than 20 attempts to put an end to the civil conflict in the region so far. However, the shelling never stopped. Over the past 6 years, almost 5,000 people died in the DPR. 4 Aleksey Nikonorov, the representative of the DPR in the subgroup on the security matters, sent an updated version of the project on the mine clearing activities to the OSCE coordinator — the representation of the DPR in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire announced after the negotiations. During the video-conference, the parties discussed the controversial issues on the mine-clearing project. The most difficult part of the talks was the Ukrainian refusal to include 5 areas, proposed by the LPR, to the list. 5 «The equipping of the new checkpoints in Donbass is going according to the plan» — Roman Ivanov, an officer of the LPR representative office in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire, announced to the journalists at the checkpoint ‘Lugansk-Schastye’. He specified that the shells, found during the engineering reconnaissance, were destroyed on the spot. “The work on the infrastructure of the checkpoints is being carried out in accordance with the established plan at both sections »Lugansk-Schastye» and »Pervomaisk-Zolotoe” — the representative of the LPR in the Center specified. 6 «2 T-64 tanks, upgraded at the Kharkiv Design Bureau, were delivered to the city of Mariupol for testing in combat conditions» — the DPR People’s militia department reported. “Currently the tanks are being hidden in the industrial zone near the railway station ‘Mariupol — Sorting’. In the future, the tanks will be moved to the hangars on the western outskirts of the village of Sartana” — the message specified. According to the military intelligence of the DPR, the tanks were transferred to Donbass in order to run tests of the modernized weaponry and guidance devices in combat conditions. Previous tests were carried out at the Chuguev military range, in the Kharkov region. Constantine Reztsov, specially for ANNA NEWS.

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